The EUropean NETwork for HYperkinetic DISorders (EUNETHYDIS)

EUNETHYDIS is a network that aims to facilitate high quality science of ADHD and its wider societal impact through clinical and basic science researchers collaborating across Europe in the spirit of openness, trust and support. The network is based in Europe but embraces a global perspective.
Our mission

Latest News

EUNETHYDIS Annual Meeting

EUNETHYDIS Annual Meeting will be held in-person in Cagliari, Italy, on 7-10 October 2024.

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EUNETHYDIS webinars follow a new format from 2024

Webinars will take place on selected Tuesdays at 12:30-13:30 CET and are open to both members and non-members.

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Three new Special Interest Groups launching in October 2024

(1) Female ADHD: treating women as women (Chair: Sandra Kooij
(2) Digital health technologies for people with ADHD (Chair: Anna Price)
(3) Appropriate language use for discussions of ADHD research (Chairs: Blandine French & Joanna Martin)

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